Friday, September 3, 2010

A rainy day in Alice!

Alice is having some more rain again.  This has been a frequent occurance here this year and is very unusual.  It's been showery all day on and off, sometimes heavy.  The concrete slab outside the caravan drains the water nicely to a pool right at the door!

However we've been out most of the time.  We first walked through the Botanic Gardens in light rain.

Roger enjoyed the visit to the Transport Hall of Fame, and a shorter one to the Old Ghan.  Lots of trucks and other transport to inspect.
 Heavy Tree Gap
Transort Hall of Fame            
  We finished with coffee and scones at the cafe, and then decided that we might as well see the Old Ghan Musuem.  I enjoyed afterwards seeing the Albert Namatjira Art Gallery and the Cultural Precinct.  There was a nice collection of Albert N's pictures and some of his sons as well.  The gallery also included a larger collection of Aboriginal Contempory paintings.  There were a couple of other galleries we stopped at on the way back into the town centre, to have late lunch.  Roger then had to wait while I looked at fabric in a great shop stocking lots of Aboriginal print fabrics.  It was sensible to buy some as well.  I didn't take as long as another lady whose husband was comparing travel notes with Roger.  We left her still choosing.

It's cooler tonight, and the heater has come out again.  The fan is packed away under the seat again.

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