Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nyngan to Cargo (Orange area)

The Bogan River at Nyngan is running high, there's been plenty of rain and most of the recent rain has been run off  (the ground has been well soaked).  We had a walk beside the river evening and morning.  The caravan park was in a lovely setting.  I suppose they would have to evacuate if there was really flood rains happening.
Bogan River
   We stopped in town to buy a few groceries before setting off on a road through Tottenham,Bogan Gate, etc to Parkes.  This meant we avoided going through Dubbo (again).    Being in Nyngan marked the end of a loop in our travels over the last 2 1/2 months.  We drove through Nyngan and had morning tea on our third day out.

The landscape has gradually changed from semi arid to rolling pastoral areas.  We constantly saw acres and acres of fresh green crops, wheat, oats, etc and also bright yellow of canola crops.  They are all doing well.

The fear at the moment is the hatching of grasshoppers.  An enormous quantity of eggs have been found west of Cobar and will be sprayed about time of hatching.  This must be a hazardous process.

The towns and villages are closer together and it has been a pleasant drive to this area just south of Orange.  Where we are staying there are lovely views of rolling hills, the mountains near Orange and sheep and lambs grazing.  Very beautiful.
This afternoon we had a drive into Orange and coffee up high looking over the city.  We are staying an extra night, and tomorrow must journey on and probably will arrive home some time in the afternoon. Maybe I said that in yesterday's blog.  However we are almost home!

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