Friday, September 24, 2010

Conclusion of our trip

Some interesting figures:-
Total Kilometers travelled - 11,962
Total fuel used - 1827.54 litres
Aver Fuel consumption - 15.29lt/100kms
Average fuel price - $1.53 per lt
Highest fuel price paid - $1.97 per lt

We thank God for a safe and enjoyable trip.  We had no incidents along the road and kept good health. We did however, have an 'interesting' situation approaching Cobar when we had a vehicle with flashing lights overtake us with 'wide load following' sign, but giving no instructions to us.  Then another escort was following behind us with the same message, so, as a rest area was approaching on the right we slowed to turn in out of their way, however at that moment 2 semi trainlers were coming the other way towards us and we had to stop till the road was clear to turn right.  The second escort vehicle had to stop behind us, and quickly catching up was an extra large wide building!  We made it in time and I'm sure they were travelling far to fast.  Don't know how they thought we'd get out of the way as it's not easy to pull off the road on the left.  We noted later with satisfaction that they had to wait in a truck checking stop outside the town.

The time at HCJB was a blessing to us.  Being there was the main reason for the trip.  This became an opportunity to see more of this amazing country.  It was good to work with the full time staff and to meet so many volunteers, enjoying working together and to see the work progressing.

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