Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wednesday is banana day, when some of the men go out and cut off the bunches that are ready enough to cut.  Not sure how they judge.  Today there was are very large crop, so they are ripening quickly now and are of better quality.  Most people who are not out working on towers come and help with the packing.  That is, they are cut off the bunches, washed in bath tubs of water and some hand wash!  These are kept or discarded as we look at them, separate into smaller hands, put on a rack to dry, and then others dip the stem area into fungicide (I think I've mentioned all this before!!).  Apparently the stems shrivel and go mouldy very quickly if this is not done.  They are then put into boxes, either for sale here or at the town market, and the rejects for staff and volunteers.  These all go into the cool rooms.  There really are a lot at the moment.  Roger and I have volunteered to sell them with a few others on Saturday morning in town at the market held at this time of year.  There is a stall for the next month or so reserved at the market.  So we take the opportunity to do our turn this week.

Tonight Roger has gone with the Jones to town to a reception for a group of cyclists representing Bike for Bibles.  These have arrived in Kn on their way from Townsville to Broome.  We actually overtook them on the Barkley Tablelands almost 3 weeks ago.  I decided to stay at home and catch up on housekeeping, eg fold and put away some washing which adds to the clutter of a small van.  I've also been into town shopping this afternoon after helping with the banana operation.

Today I (Roger) installed earth electrodes in the ground under the antennae.  Work was physically as hard as I have ever done but was fun working with other similar aged men.

1 comment:

  1. hi grandma and grandpa banana cleaning must be fun i hope u sell lots of bananas from bronte
