Monday, August 16, 2010

3rd week at HCJB

(Monday) The time is moving on.  We've had warm days and cool nights this last week, which makes life more enjoyable.  However it seems the heat has returned.  Just sitting in the shade for a while this afternoon was warm and the mossies started to bite.

Peter had a good time here.  He really enjoyed the 2 day trip to the Bungle Bungles on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Had a good flight there and back and some great walks, and included a helicopter flight as well.  On Wednesday after morning tea Peter and I went to see some of the surrounding area up Packsaddle Road with a visit to Zebra Rock (beside the Ord Rive/Lake Kununurra) and had a light lunch there.  In the afternoon we did the couple of short walks in Hidden Valley (Mirima Nat Park) which is just on the edge of the town and a lovely place to again see the rugged red rocks of the hills and some interesting plants.  Sometimes also known as the mini Bungles.  We had dinner out that night at the Country Club Resort, which was very pleasant.  This is an accommodation hotel just in town.  On Thursday morning there was just enough time for Peter to see the Ivanhoe Crossing (downstream of the Diversion Dam) and some of the irrigation area.  The flight out was probably full, there were lots of people queueing up to have bags checked and to check in.  This is a busy airport, there are flights to Broome/Perth, and Darwin each day, plus lots of light aircraft doing tour flights and transport to the Argyle Mine.

I havn't bought a Kimberley Pink Diamond yet.  But it was lovely to look at them in one of the shops here.

Roger continued to work out on the 'farm' or outback where the towers are being assembled, until Friday, then did a couple of jobs here around the workshop.  There is one tower that is just about ready to be raised, but there seems to be a holdup, so whether it will go up this week is in doubt.  A lot of us will be leaving around next weekend or soon after.

It must be sad for the full time staff here when everyone has left.  There will be a few volunteers here through September, but after that it's just them.  The heat gets very high and the humidity builds up before the wet season commences.

The bananas have taken a break and refused to ripen during last week.  There will probably be a glut this week. It's a tricky business.

Yesterday (Saturday) we had a lovely relaxed morning, not needing to get up early.  We left for town about 11 a.m., saw the end of the market and bought a little lunch and then waited to be picked up for the Lower Ord Tour which we'd booked.  That was a pleasant afternoon, driving abougt 25 ks. downstream and then had a long boat ride to look mainly at wildlife, crocodiles (some very big ones) both salty and freshwater varieties, lots of wallabies, and birds.  It was a good value trip and enjoyable to be driven by bus and boat.

So our final week has arrived.  I expect to do a few jobs, eg clean amenities a couple of times and collect veges, plus help set up for morning tea tomorrow (and remove what I've cooked from the freezer).  It's been good to have the use of a larger oven and fridge and freezer in the communal kitchen.

Monday evening - I've had a busy day, and feel ready for bed.  It's been hot again.  I managed to do all the required tasks in the morning, plus the washing, then this afternoon helped Mary J to make banana chutney (very yum). 

I have just been trying to fight the ants in the caravan.  It's impossible!  Tonight they are enjoying being in the fridge, particularly the door.  Ant Rid is not much use.  They eat that for a while, then you think they're beaten, and some appear in another place, first just a few, then lots, and if you havn't noticed they then might take up residence.

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