Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cold weather hits!!

Well actually we've continued to have some really hot weather.  I've been finding it hot collecting some veges in the morning.  Hoping Roger can put the picture in to prove it.  We had a film night here in the Oasis room on Friday night.  Social life is rather busy!  I think now we are getting to know people better and really sorting out who is who and getting their names right.  The Jacksons left this morning, it's been good getting to know them.

On Saturday we had a great day out with Jones and Clarkes to drive back over the NT border to the Keep River Nat Park.  There is some really beautiful scenery here somewhat in the style of rock formation found in the Bungle Bungles, but accessible even by our car.  We took picnic lunches and did several walks.  We really found the heat too much though, it must have been up to 36 deg some of the time.  A crazy time to be walking.  Clouds did start to come over towards the end of the day.  Driving back for a short while we were driving directly at a great red ball.  Into the sunset.  We stopped in town and bought takeaway Chinese food to have in the cool of the Oasis room here. 

Overnight the weather cooled a little.  On Sunday morning we thought it was almost chilly!  Roger and I went to the People's Church which was a very special time.  This group is more than half indiginous people and we were blessed to meet some outstanding people.  We enjoyed some morning tea following.  There is a bit of a habit here to then go out to lunch at one of the farm side cafe's, so this time we had lunch with the Keith and Heather Jackson and enjoyed chatting to them. 

It was enjoyable to drive around the closer farm areas used by the irrigation system.  There is now a lot of sandalwood being grown here.  Not an immediate crop.  Things seem to change, and there are not as many melons as in 2006.  We drove up the lookout - Kelly's Knob to view the area.

I was a bit suprised to see a long black 'worm' in the Womens Bathroom around sunset.  It moved in a very snake like way.  There was no one around at the time to call for assistance.  So I just went ahead and kept my feet up in another cubicle!  This was probably a small black snake.  So there is a point in keeping the lids down so that the frogs don't come in, as they are a good feed for snakes, who some say like to curl up under the toilet seat.

Monday another work day, the weather was windy and much cooler.  Today we've even been cold and it's been down to 18 deg.  We've been wearing cardigans, and rain jackets.  There has even been some rain, and on the way into town I used the windscreen wipers.  I've had my turn at morning tea again Monday, and today, Tuesday, went to help mind children at the Anglican Ch while a mothers group was held.  Being cool it was easy to summon  up the energy.  So we're getting a variety of things to do.

I now need to finish and have dinner before the Chicks flick! 


  1. mmm.... don't fancy a surprise meeting with the black 'worm', as one stumbles to the bathroom over night.

    Thats an alternative creature story to your HK one in my bathroom!

  2. Hello! .... (2nd time successful I hope in posting this comment!)

    Below is a comment from an email I received from Barbara & Keith whom live in Victoria & were at CR for 2mths earlier this year. They have a question re: accomm. in HCJB: "You mention HCJB. Did I tell you Keith plaster-lined one of the houses there. We stayed in our A-van on site at Kunnunara for about 2 weeks in 2004. Extremely hot and humid - but Kunnanara is a wonderful food-basin - we were told their rich topsoil is at least 3' deep - and there is no water problem at all as it is pumped from the massive Orb River - plenty of sunshine makes for great produce. I also worked for HCJB (Kilsyth) as an office volunteer for a time when we got back. At the time we were at Kunnunura - we managed our own food etc. - they allowed us to park our van for free (ie use of their showers and toilets, electricity) But there is accommodation available as well. Can you find out for us what the charges are for a couple wishing to volunteer there and use their accommodation? "
